Disabled Widow(er)s not receiving Medicare

  1. Individual is receiving Social Security Disabled Widow(er) benefits AND
  2. Individual is at least age 60, but not yet attained age 65 AND
  3. The individual is not receiving Medicare Part A AND
  4. Individual has received SSI and then lost the SSI payment due to receipt of the widow/widower Title II benefits AND
  5. Individual is currently blind or disabled AND
  6. Individual satisfies the Resource Test for Disabled Widower (See Resource Rules in Section 4 of this chapter) AND
  7. Individual satisfies the Income Test for Disabled Widower (See Income Rules in Section 5 of this chapter)

Disabled Widow(er)s Financial Unit

The financial unit will consist of one of the following:

  1. Individual With No Spouse
    • The Disabled widow(er) AND
    • If the individual is an alien, the income of the alien's sponsor and the sponsor's spouse if the spouse lives with the sponsor is included.
    • SSI Recipients are not included.
  2. Eligible Couple
    • The Disabled Widow(er) AND
    • If the individual is an alien, the income of the alien's sponsor and the sponsor's spouse if the spouse lives with the sponsor is included AND
    • The spouse who is living in the home AND
    • The spouse is also potentially eligible under the category of Aged, Blind and Disabled AND
    • If the eligible spouse is an alien, the income of the alien's sponsor and the sponsor's spouse if the spouse lives with the sponsor is included
    • SSI Recipients are not included
  3. Eligible Individual With Ineligible Spouse
    • The Disabled widow(er) AND
    • If the individual is an alien, the income of the alien's sponsor and the sponsor's spouse if the spouse lives with the sponsor is included AND
    • The spouse who is living in the home AND
    • The spouse is not eligible under the category of Aged, Blind and Disabled
    • Do not include SSI recipients

Resource Household Size for Disabled Widow(er)s

The household size consists of the same individuals as listed in the financial unit above with the following exceptions:

  1. Do not include the alien's sponsor and the sponsor's in-home spouse in the household size OR
  2. Do not include a parent(s) living in the home in the household size OR
  3. Do not include SSI recipients in the household size

Income Household Size for Disabled Widow(er)s

The household size consists of the same individuals as listed in the financial unit above with the following exceptions:

  1. Do not include the alien's sponsor and the sponsor's in-home spouse in the household size OR
  2. Do not include SSI recipients OR
  3. Do not include the ineligible spouse in the household size when there is no deemable income