Assessing Priority, Complexity, and Risk for an Application Case

Priority, Complexity, Risk (PCR) is a mechanism which enables agencies to provide a differential response when dealing with a client. PCR is defined as follows:

The time in which an application case must be dealt with.
The complexity of the situation based on, for example, the number of household members, or the number and type of issues that the client needs help with.
The potential impact to the organization, for example, a potentially long term claim could be considered high risk to the organization.

If configured by the organization, the priority, complexity and risk (PCR) rating of the application case is determined throughout the life cycle of the application. The organization defines a PCR ruleset that is executed at configured points during the application case lifecycle. PCR is initially assessed when the application case is created. The organization can configure the other events on the application case upon which PCR should be invoked. The execution points available for configuration are:

The organization can also configure a user defined execution point. This provides the option for workers to manually invoke the PCR ruleset.

Following execution of the PCR ruleset, a workflow can be configured which will be invoked when any of the PCR values change. This workflow can be defined by an organization to create tasks, notifications or carry out other defined processing based on the result of the PCR assessment.