Matching Clients and Creating an Application Case

All applications that are submitted by individuals from the HCR eligibility results page are processed as application cases. This also applies to applications that are submitted as part of plan enrollment.

Upon submission of applications and prior to creation of an application case, the system uses 'Person match' which attempts to automatically match applicants to registered Cúram participants; these registered persons with existing client records can then be used on a newly-created application case. If the primary applicant can be automatically matched to an existing Cúram person participant, the system proceeds to create the application case and adds this existing registered person as the primary participant on the case. Other persons recorded on the application are matched in the same way. If applicants cannot be automatically matched, the system proceeds to create the application case and adds the applicants as prospects or fully registered persons, depending on the results of the person match search.

Person match search is configurable via an application property which can be set in the administration application. A weight can be assigned to each of the available search criteria. The weight is used to determine how important the criterion is to the matched outcome. The sum of the weights from a search result is compared against configured threshold values which determine whether a result is an exact match, a possible match, or not a match at all. The sample criteria weights the reference or SSN highest, along with date of birth, first and last name. The upper and lower score threshold values are set as system properties. The properties are placed in a new category "Application – Person Match Settings".

Once the household members listed on an application have been matched to existing clients or recorded as new participants, an application case is created automatically. It is not necessary for case workers to manually create cases application cases and add members and evidence to them. Information gathered in the online application can then be mapped to evidence on the application case.