Funding Rule Sets

Classic funding rule sets or Cúram Express Rules (CER) can be applied to products and services to identify funds which can be obligated and to determine the fund to be utilized based on the SEM agency's priorities. In addition, these rule sets can be customized by the SEM agency to utilize case evidence to further refine fund selection criteria. For example, a funding rule set can be assigned to a child care product which includes the following rules:

Funding rule sets are linked to funds through mutual product and service associations. For example, if both the funding rule set and child care fund are associated with the child care product, then the funding rule set will be applied to clients in receipt of the child care product to determine if they are eligible for funding from the child care fund.

A default funding rule set is provided. This basic rule set can be assigned to products and services, and is utilized in determining the priority of which funds to use for a particular product or service.