Wait Listing Clients for Funds

Clients are wait listed for funds when the system is unable to find funds associated with the product or service which have sufficient fund balances to cover the requested obligation. When a budget associated with a fund is increased or created, the case owners for clients on the wait list will be alerted so that they can resubmit the obligation requests for funding. If successful, the case owners can remove the client from the wait list.

Wait list entries can be removed and expired.The Wait List Expiry Date application property sets the number of days after the wait list entry is created on which it will be expired. For example,when this property is set to 5, a wait list entry will be expired 5 days after its creation date. Fund administrators require security access to application properties in order to set this date. For more information on application properties and security, see the Cúram Administration Guide.

For expired wait list entries, a case transaction log is created of type 'Fund Wait List Expiration'. The system automatically adjusts the wait list positions for the remaining wait list entries in order to reflect an expired or removed entry. A wait list status history is maintained for each wait list entry. The following table describes the wait list statuses.

Table 1. Description of Wait List Statuses.

This table describes wait list statuses.

Wait List Status Description
Open A wait list entry is 'open' when it is first added to the wait list and remains open until allocated, removed, or expired.
Allocated A wait list entry is 'allocated' when sufficient funds become available and an obligation is created for the wait list entry.
Removed A wait list entry is 'removed' when a system user manually removes the entry
Expired A wait list entry is 'expired' a configurable number of days after the entry is created.