Evaluating and Selecting Funds

Evaluating and selecting funds is one of the key processes of Funded Program Management. It is during this process that a decision is made whether or not to obligate funds to clients. In out-of-the-box Cúram Child Care, service authorization triggers this process. SEM agencies can implement their own triggers, as required. The following details the steps in the evaluating and selecting funds process:

  1. The system identifies the service or product specified, e.g., the service relating to the service authorization.
  2. The system determines that at least one fund association exists for the service or product.
  3. The system evaluates whether or not to obligate funds by searching for a funding rule set associated with the specified service or product. If no rules are found, Funded Program Management will not process an obligation.
  4. The system retrieves the funds associated with the product or service to create a list of potential funds with active fund fiscal years.
  5. The system invokes the associated fund rule set. The sample rule set provided with Funded Program Management will sort the list of funds by priority.
  6. The system cycles through the funds in the list until it finds a fund fiscal year with enough balance remaining to cover the obligation amount.
  7. If no fund fiscal year is found to have sufficient funds, then the obligation cannot be created.
  8. If a fund is configured for wait listing, then a wait list entry is created for the fund fiscal year.