Assigning Funding Rule Sets to Products and Services

CER or Classic Funding rule sets can be assigned to any product or service. The process begins with selecting whether the rule set applies to a product or service. The product or service must then be located on the system. The next step in the process is to search for and select the rule set from the list of available rule sets.

Rule set associations with products and services can be updated and removed. Note, however, these associations should not be removed if they have been used to allocate funds to clients. The actual rule sets themselves can be maintained using the Rules Editor. Typically rules are maintained by a rules developer.

It is important to note that in order for funds to be obligated to clients, there must be at least one rule set associated with the service or product which is associated with the fund. If no rules sets are specified for the service or product, then the system will assume that it is not utilizing Fund Program Management and thus funds will not be obligated.