Voluntary Quit


Reduced Work Effort Determination

Good Cause for Voluntary Quit

Good cause for voluntary quit exists when:

  1. Individual who quit at least 60 days prior to date of application OR
  2. Individual who reduced work effort and is earning weekly income equivalent to the federal minimum hourly wage multiplied by 30 hours OR
  3. Individuals who voluntary quit employment which was less than 30hrs/week or weekly earnings less than FMW times 30 OR
  4. Individual satisfies a Work Registration Exemption or Good Cause for failure to Comply with Work Requirements OR
  5. Individual gets a job, comparable to the job just quit OR
  6. Individual resigns from a job at the demand of an employer OR
  7. Individual terminates self employment business OR
  8. Discrimination by an employer based on age, race, sex, color, handicap, religious beliefs, national origin or political beliefs OR
  9. Leaving a job in connection with patterns of employment in which workers frequently move from one employer to another OR
  10. Resignation by persons under 60 which are recognised by the employer as retirement OR
  11. Work demands or conditions that render continuous employment unreasonable OR
  12. Acceptance of employment by the individual, that requires the individual to leave other employment OR
  13. Enrollment of at least half time in any recognized school, training program, institute of higher education or acceptance of employment which require the household to relocate and requires other employed household members to leave their employment OR
  14. Changes in employment status resulting from an employer initiated reduction in hours of employment.

Penalties for Voluntary Quit Sanctions

The following penalties are imposed depending on the level of Voluntary Quit Sanction imposed on an individual:

  1. The individual is ineligible for Food Assistance benefits for 1 month if no previous sanction exists for this, for this member.
  2. The individual is ineligible for Food Assistance benefits for 3 months if a previous Level 1 Voluntary Quit Sanction exists for this member.
  3. The individual is ineligible for Food Assistance benefits for 6 months if a previous Level 2 (or higher) Voluntary Quit Sanction exists for this member.