Employment Offer Rules

  1. Household member has not received an offer of employment OR
  2. Household Member must accept a bona fide offer of suitable employment unless good cause exists for employment refusal or employment suitability

Good Cause from Employment Refusal

Good cause reasons for a household member refusing an offer of Employment:

Good Cause Employment Suitability

Good cause reasons for a household member refusing an offer of suitable employment:

  1. The wage offered is less than the highest of the State Minimum Wage OR Federal Minimum Wage OR 80% of the Federal Minimum Wage if neither Federal or State is applicable OR
  2. The employment offered is on a piece rate basis and the hourly yield is likely to be less that the highest of the State Minimum Wage OR Federal Minimum Wage OR 80% of the Federal Minimum Wage if neither the Federal or State is applicable OR
  3. Individual is required to join a legitimate labour organization OR
  4. Individual is required to resign from or refrain from joining any legitimate labour organization OR
  5. The work offered is at a site subject to a strike or lockout at the time of the offer OR
  6. The degree of risk to health and safety is unreasonable OR
  7. Individual is physically/mentally unfit to perform the employment OR
  8. Employment offered within the first 30 days is not in the individuals major field of experience OR
  9. Employment is considered unsuitable if the distance to the place of employment prohibits walking and neither public nor private transportation is available to transport the member to the job site OR
  10. The distance from the member's home to the place of employment is unreasonable considering the expected wage and the time and cost of commuting OR
  11. The working hours or nature of the employment interferes with the members religious observances, convictions or beliefs.