Income Deductions

For every individual in the income unit whose income is counted, deductions may be applied. Apply disregards in the following order for each employed/self employed individual in the household.

  1. Subtract the Earned Income Deduction from the household's gross countable monthly earned income to determine the countable net monthly earned income.
  2. Apply the following disregards to the remaining total income (i.e. Household's net monthly earned income after earned income deduction has been applied plus the household's total countable unearned income)
    • Offset any remaining farm self-employment losses against the total amount of earned and unearned income after the earned income deduction has been applied.
    • Subtract the Standard Deduction.
    • Subtract the allowable excess Medical Deduction for elderly or disabled household members.
    • Subtract allowable monthly Dependent Care expenses.
    • Subtract Child Support Expenses.
    • Subtract Shelter Expenses.
  3. Shelter Expenses

    Deduct the appropriate shelter expenses for the household:

    • Homeless Shelter Deduction OR
    • Excess Shelter Deduction

Earned Income Deduction

Deduct the 20% earned income deduction from the household's total countable gross earned income.

General Income Disregards

The following deductions are applied to the remaining total income (household's net earned plus household's total countable unearned income).

Pro-Rated Expenses