Define Transitions and Their Conditions

All activities (except for the End Process activity) must have at least one outgoing transition. This is the transition from the activity to the next activity in the process. Activities with a split type of Parallel (AND) or Choice (XOR) will have multiple transitions.

The workflow designer must define the transitions for all activities in a workflow. The conditions for these transitions must also be defined, if applicable. The Workflow Engine uses these conditions to determine the route through a workflow process.

The following are the transitions for the above Close Case activities and their conditions:

Table 1. Close Case Transitions
Transition Description From Activity Number To Activity Number Transition Condition
Over or underpayment exists 1 2 If OverUnderPmtInd = true
Non-closure notification sent 2 10  
No over or underpayment 1 3 If OverUnderPmtInd = false
Case review(s) closed and reviewer(s) notified 3 4  
Case reactivation check complete 4 5  
Case referral(s) closed and case
owner IS the user closing case
5 6 If caseOwner = userClosingCase
Case owner does not need to be notified 6 8  
Case referral(s) closed and case owner is NOT the user closing the case 5 7 If caseOwner not = userClosingCase
Closure notification sent to case owner 7 8  
Communication created for primary client 8 9  
Service supplier and primary client communications mailed 9 10