Identify Workflow Data Object Attributes

In order for a workflow to be enacted successfully (and to progress), the required data must be successfully passed into the workflow process at enactment time and between activities during the lifetime of the process instance. This data is defined as WDOs for the workflow process definition and must mapped to the appropriate activities. The following are the workflow data object attributes that are required during the course of the Close Case workflow process:

Table 1. Close Case Workflow Data Object Attributes
Data Item Purpose
caseID Required throughout the workflow to identify the case being closed
overUnderPmtInd This is used for the transition condition to determine if the case can be closed or if the case owner must be notified that reassessment has discovered an over or under payment
caseOwner Username of the case owner - this is used for the transition condition to determine if a case closure notification should be sent to the case owner
userClosingCase The name of the user who initiated the Close Case business process - this is used for the transition condition to determine if a case closure notification should be sent to the case owner
listOfCaseReviewers A list of user names of case reviewers for whom notifications must be sent regarding case reviews being canceled
listOfServiceSuppliers A list of concern role names of service suppliers for whom communications must be printed and mailed regarding referrals being canceled