Manual Activities

When a business process requires manual steps, manual activities are required. The presence of a manual activity in a process definition ensures that a task is created by the Workflow Engine when that activity is executed. An allocation strategy is used to decide the appropriate user or group of users to assign the task to so that it may be actioned.

The task created describes the work to be performed and provides links to the pages in the application where the work can be carried out. A manual activity also specifies an event which will be used to signify that the work required for the manual activity has been completed. The Workflow Engine waits for this event to be raised. Once the event is raised, the activity is completed and the workflow proceeds to the next activity in the business process.

Time sensitive work requires a deadline handler to be set up. This can also be done on a manual activity. A deadline handler specifies what should happen if the activity is not completed within a given amount of time.

The metadata associated with manual activities is described in the Manual chapter of the Cúram Workflow Reference Guide.