Available Task Search

This page in the Inbox allows the user to search for tasks that are directly assigned to the user, assigned to the user's organizational objects (organisation units, positions or jobs) or assigned to any work queue that the user is subscribed to. The user can select one or more of the assigned to search criteria. The granularity of the filter specified for the available task search can also be further enhanced by selecting one or more task priorities (e.g.. High, Medium and Low) and/or one or more of the provided task deadline filters (i.e. Overdue, Due Today, Due This Week, Due This Month, Due After This Month).

Once the user has completed the Available Tasks search, the criteria used is saved and will be used on subsequent visits to the page by the user. The search criteria may also be updated at any time by revisiting the page and changing the criteria.

Note: There is also a view of Available Tasks from the application home pages.