Task Queries

The Task Query functionality allows users to create, run and save task search related queries. Therefore, the same query may be executed over and over again.

The task query functionality allows the user to search for tasks based on a number of different criteria including tasks that are in the My Open Tasks list as well as tasks that are Available to the user. The result of a task query may be further filtered by specifying the task status, task priority, task deadline date time, task creation date and task restart date.

For example, each morning the working pattern for a specified user ensures that they search for tasks available to them whose deadline expires that week. Therefore it makes sense for the user to create a query which they can run when required without having to re-enter the search criteria each day. In this case the user creates a Task Query, they name the query This Week's Tasks, they select their user name in the Assigned To field and the Due This Week option in the Task Deadline Due field. They then click the save button and the query is saved.