Bypassing Mandatory Verifications

Under normal circumstances, when a verification is defined as mandatory, that verification must be captured before the evidence can be activated and used as part of eligibility and entitlement calculations. However in some circumstances it may be necessary to expedite the process and therefore allow the evidence to be activated and used in eligibility and entitlement calculations prior to the verification being satisfied.

For example, expedited food stamps is the same product as standard food stamps but it allows clients to get a benefit earlier than standard food stamps and for the first month the verifications are not mandatory.

To support this, the Verification Engine provides a hook where it checks for "Verification Waiver" entries. If a current entry exists, then the mandatory verification is bypassed and the evidence can be activated thereby allowing the evidence to be used in eligibility and entitlement. Entries on the "Verification Waiver" database table must be added on a product by product basis as the rules defining whether a mandatory verification can be bypassed and if so, the duration for which it can be bypassed, are product specific. Likewise any product that allows mandatory verifications to be bypassed must also ensure that the product rules are modified to ensure that bypassed evidence is only used for the period of time specified on the "Verification Waiver" table.

While a mandatory verification is bypassed, the application will continue to present this verification as being outstanding but will indicate that it is "Bypassed". Also for each verification a history of "Verification Waiver" entries is maintained. This allows a user to determine if a verification was bypassed for a piece of evidence at any point in time and if so, the duration of time it was bypassed.