Verification Requirement Properties

The following is an overview of the properties that can be set on a verification requirement.

Due Date and Warning Date
A number of properties exist for setting a due date on a verification. The "due days" property specifies the number of days after a particular event that a verification should fall due. Administrators can also specify whether the number of due days should be calculated from the date the case was created or from the date evidence was inserted or received. The "warning days" property specifies how many day's prior notice a caseworker will receive before the verification due date. If no warning date is specified, a caseworker will not receive a warning before the verification due date. Note that due date processing for verification requirements uses workflow functionality. For more information on expiry date and due date workflow processing, see section 4.4.1 Deadline Management.
This property indicates the level of verification that must be achieved in order to consider data verified. Evidence will not be considered verified unless a verification item with the appropriate level is received. For example, if a verification requirement specifies a level 5 verification item (such as an original birth certificate) then providing a level 1 item (a photocopy of a birth certificate) will not satisfy the verification requirement. Alternatively, a combination of verification items that form a verification group of level 5 can be provided to satisfy the verification requirement.
From and To Dates
These properties indicate the period during which this verification requirement is effective. Note that these properties interact with the effective dates of verification item utilizations and the effective dates of evidence in order to determine the verifications that a caseworker can perform. For example, a requirement to verify an income amount might be defined as effective from January to December. However, one verification item may be defined as effective from January to July (e.g., a payslip), while another is defined to be effective from July to December (e.g., a tax return). The date that the income evidence is active determines which verification item is necessary to satisfy the verification requirement.
Minimum Items
This property specifies the minimum number of verification items that must be provided before data can be considered verified. For example, if the minimum item specified is 2, then the verification requirement will be considered satisfied if at least two verification items or verification groups are provided. When all the verification items specified in a verification group are provided, the Verification Engine will consider it to be a single item. A combination of verification items and groups can also be provided to satisfy the minimum number of verification items of a verification requirement.
This property indicates whether or not the verification requirement is mandatory. A mandatory verification requirement means that evidence and cases associated with the verification may not be activated until the rules defined for the verification have been met. When the mandatory property is not set, the verification requirement is optional and therefore the evidence associated with the verification can be activated even if the evidence has not yet been verified.
This property indicates if it is the case participant's responsibility to supply the verification items. This property could be used during communications between the organization and the client to ensure that a client is not asked to supply a verification item that should be sourced elsewhere. Note there is no system processing associated with this property, it is used for informational purposes only for the user.
This property allows users to specify the Cúram Verification engine's response to changes to "Active" evidence. The following list provides the names and impact of the settings for this property. Note that re-verification property does not apply to participant evidence.
Reverify Always
If a caseworker changes "Active" evidence, no previously met verification requirements are carried over to the new "In Edit" evidence. The new "In Edit" record must then be reverified.
Reverify If Changed
If a caseworker changes "Active" evidence, and the value entered for the verifiable data item or any dependent data items has not changed, the existing verification information on the "Active" record is copied to the new "In Edit" record. If the value entered for the data item or any dependent data items has changed, then no verification information is copied from the "Active" record.
Never Reverify
If a caseworker changes "Active" evidence, the verification information on the "Active" record is always copied to the "In Edit" record.