Dependent Data Items

Dependent data items are specific pieces of evidence that have a direct influence on the verification of a related data item. Although these pieces of evidence do not require verification, it may be important to record them for the verification of a related data item. For example, if your organization wishes to verify the reason that a household member was absent from the household, the length of the absence may be an important fact to record for the verification. In this example, the "Absence Reason" is the verifiable data item, and the "To" and "From" dates of the absence are dependent data items. The Cúram Verification engine treats any change to a dependent data item in the same manner as a change to the verifiable data item.

The properties that must be stored for a dependent data item include a unique name and the name of a specific data item. The "Data Item" that is entered for the dependent data item should reference an attribute from the evidence type specified in the parent verifiable data item.