Reverting a Configuration

Making configuration changes on a production environment is often considered a high risk activity. CTM provides undo functionality to mitigate against this risk. Undo functionality allows a customer to revert the system back to the configuration prior to applying the change set. At the time of applying a change set, a revert change set is automatically created by the system. This revert change set contains a snapshot of the business object prior to applying the change set. After a user applies a changeset, they can select the undo action for the change set, which will revert the system back to the original configuration by applying the contents of revert change set.

It must be remembered however, that the undo option is only useful for a limited period of time. Once the application starts to use the configuration data, runtime data is created based on the latest set of configuration data. At this stage, to revert to an earlier configuration requires reverting the runtime data also and in this case a database rollback is necessary as otherwise the configuration data and runtime data would be out of sync.