CER Rule Set

The business object contains the configuration data for the CER rule set. It contains the CER rule set and any category links for that rule set. The CER rule set business object is dependent on the CER rule set category business object.

Note: The following special behaviours apply to a CER Rule Set business object:
  1. The user must manually publish the CER rule sets on the target system.
  2. When using CER rule sets, certain changes to the system can cause widespread recalculations (e.g. case reassessments) to occur. This is due to the way in which data is fed into, and stored for CER rule sets, and how this gets reorganized to ensure it always reflects the latest data and configurations in the system. As a result, when transporting a mix of object types, where some require publishing, we recommend that the following object types get published in this order: Rate Table, CER Data Configuration, CER Rule Set and CER Benefit Product.
  3. The revert functionality for a CER rule set varies depending on whether or not the user has published the CER rule set on the target system. If the transported CER rule set has not yet been published, then the revert functionality will remove the unpublished CREOLERuleSetEditAction record, and will also remove any associated rule set category link records. If the transported CER Rule Set has been published, then a CREOLERuleSetEditAction record of type "Remove" will be written to the target system for the CER rule set, and any associated rule set category link records that exist will be removed. The CREOLERuleSetEditAction must then be published to fully remove the CER rule set from the target system.

The configuration data that is contained within this business object is stored on the following entities: