Technical Information

The following is a list of technical documents referenced in this guide:

Cúram Server Developer Guide
This guide provides technical information on the following areas: application properties, security, and code tables.
Cúram Batch Processing Guide
This guide provides information on batch process development.
Cúram Operations Guide
This guide provides an overview of operations including application properties.
Cúram BIRT Developers Guide
This guide details development required for business intelligence.
Cúram Case Audits Developers Guide
This guide covers case audits development.
Cúram XML Infrastructure Guide
This document presents all aspects of the XML functionality provided with the Server Development Environment (SDEJ), from modelling to development to run-time management.
Cúram Content Management Interoperability Services Integration Guide
This guide outlines the available configuration options for integrating Cúram with a content management system.