Managing XSL Templates

XSL templates are used to generate pro forma documents and letters printed by the application using a combination of XML and XSL stylesheets.

XSL stylesheets are used to format the XML data for printing. XSL templates can be created using any XSL editor. XSL templates can then be uploaded and stored in the application database.When uploading an XSL template, a description and template ID for the template must be entered.A locale for the template must also be specified. This allows the caseworker to choose from the different templates based on the locale of the concerning participant when creating a pro forma communication. Only one XSL template using the same template ID and locale may be created.

XSL templates can be checked out and downloaded. Checking out the template ensures that previous versions of the template are not lost. Templates can be checked out by more than one person at a time. System administrators can choose to ignore other checkouts on a template. Template version control ensures that temples are not accidentally overwritten. An XSL stylesheet developer is responsible for the creation and maintenance of XSL templates. When a new version is ready to be uploaded, the system administrator can choose to check in and upload the XML file.

For more information on XML and generating documents from XML and XSL templates, please consult the Cúram XML Infrastructure Guide.