Submitting a Batch Process for Execution

Batch processes can be submitted for execution by selecting to execute a batch process from the list of available batch processes. Depending upon the batch process, a number of parameters must be entered before the batch can be executed. The batch request will then be processed once the batch launcher is run. For details of the required parameters and running the batch launcher, consult the Cúram Batch Processing Guide.

The user can define the values for set parameters when submitting a batch process. This limits the information that will be processed. An example of a batch process is DetermineProductDeliveryEligibility. It is used to activate a large number of cases simultaneously and is therefore run as a batch process so as to deter this case processing to off-peak time and therefore minimize system impact. The batch process is configured to accept the parameter product. Setting the parameter to a specific product means that only cases of that product will be processed. Note that the values for some parameters must be set in order for a batch process to execute (setting other parameters is optional). A default value may also be set for a parameter. This will apply every time the batch process runs unless the user sets a different value.

The order in which batch processes are submitted must also be considered as some batch processes will not function unless others have been run previously. For example, DetermineProductDeliveryEligibility must be run before GenerateInstructionLineItems because instruction line items can only be generated for cases that have already been activated.

After the system administrator has submitted the batch processes, it is held in a batch queue until the batch launcher runs. The batch launcher is a separate program that executes the batch processes in the order in which they were submitted. Note that batch jobs can have a processing date specified. Typically the system date is used as the business processing date. Where the processing date is specified, this date overrides the system date.