Configuring the Business Intelligence Report Viewer

A BIRT viewer is available for use to display BI reports in the runtime application. Options that can be configured for the viewer include:

Table 1. BIRT Report Viewer Configuration Options.

This table describes BIRT viewer options

Report Viewer Configuration Option


Viewer name The name of the report viewer engine.
Servlet The report viewer configuration servlet used to render the reports. Each report configuration can have its own servlet setting. The default option is 'run'.
Report name parameter This specifies the report viewer type, The default is '__report'.
Context This defines how the URL for the report is built.
Root Specifies the report root configuration string. This can include the http specifier, server name, and port the report server is running on.

Additional default parameters can be added to the report viewer but these need to be from a set that BIRT recognizes in order to be used by the report viewer.