Configuring Business Intelligence Reports

BI comes with a number of preconfigured sample reports. These sample reports demonstrate the infrastructure of the reports and how they can be used to read and deploy information held in the database. Development work is required to make the reports available in the runtime application. Once development is complete, the reports should be copied to the BI content directory on the application server.

BIRT report options that can be configured via the system administration application include:

Table 1. BIRT Report Configuration Options.

This table describes BIRT report options

Report Configuration Option


Report name This is the display name of the report. Reports can have a number of different configurations with different display names.
Report file name The actual file path to the report design on the report server.
Report category The category is used to classify the report for search purposes, for example, case, participant, etc.
Report servlet This is the report servlet used to render the report.
Parameters These refer to the frame that contains the chart rather than the chart itself. The width and height can be set, as well as whether scrolling is allowed for the report or not. A border can also be optionally displayed around the report.

Additional parameters can be added to BI reports. These can be from a set recognized by BIRT or business specific parameters that the report can be programmed to handle.