
This chapter provides an overview of the system configuration options for Business Intelligence (BI) in the application. BI provides decision support information for case workers, supervisors, and senior managers in the organization. The information needs for each role is different and these are reflected in the BI tools that are available to each role.

BI consists of three main areas: a data warehouse, embedded analytics, and interactive dashboard and reports. The data warehouse is a component of application Reporting which is used by BI to populate the reports with data. Embedded analytics are used to represent data that has been pulled from the data warehouse and display it to the user. Interactive dashboards are used to publish graphically intuitive displays of information, including dials, gauges, and traffic lights style graphs. These displays indicate the state of the performance metric compared with a goal or target value. Report functionality is used to create formatted and interactive reports with highly scalable distribution and scheduling capabilities.

The Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) Report Designer is an Eclipse plug-in which allows developers to create custom BI reports which can then be imported into the application. A wide range of graphs using the BIRT charting engine is supported, as well as data listing. BI content can be displayed in the application pages when required, a licensable BI dashboard is also available to be used. Once the reports have been created and are available on the system, they can be displayed in the runtime application using the BIRT Report Engine which renders the report design. It can produce output in a number of formats including HTML and PDF. The aggregated data of a BI report is displayed in such a way that the user can interact with it.

For more information on building and deploying BI reports, please consult the Cúram BIRT Developers Guide.