Using the Validations Messages Documentation

In order to determine what validations are identified as configurable validations that can be disabled, organizations can refer to the Validation Messages documentation that is provided in HTML format as part of the development installers. On running the development installer, this documentation is located in the top level 'Doc' folder in the installed code base. The home page of the Validation Messages documentation is accessed by selecting the index.html file located in the ValidationMessages/html folder.

A list of the validations referenced by each method of a facade class can be viewed by selecting the “Facades A-Z Index” link from the home page of the documentation, selecting a Facade Class Name, and then selecting a method.

A list of the validations referenced by each method of a screen can also be viewed by selecting the “Screens A-Z Index” link from the home page of the documentation, selecting a Screen Name, and then selecting a method.

For each validation, the validation reference and validation message text are provided. For example, for the validation used to prevent the start date of a case participant role from being later that the end date of a case, the validation reference of BPOCASEPARTICIPANTROLE.ERR_CASEPARTICIPANTROLE_XFV_FROM_DATE_CASEHEADER_END_DATE and validation message text of “The Case Participant Role start date must not be later than the Case end date - "%1d".” are displayed.

For each validation, the documentation also displays whether or not the validation is configurable. All validations that are configurable have been verified to have no impact on system processing if they are not executed, and can be disabled by an agency. If the validation is not indicated to be a configurable validation, then the organization cannot disable the validation within the system administration application, and should raise a support case if there is a requirement to be able to disable the validation.

Additionally, a Configurable Messages section lists all validations that are identified as configurable validations, including the facades that the validations are referenced from. This section is accessed by selecting the “Configurable Messages A-Z Index” link from the home page of the documentation. The organization can use this list to determine the unique validation reference that is required to search for and disable the validation as part of system administration.

For example, if the organization wishes to identify the validations that exist and are configurable as part of the modify case member process, it can select the “Screens A-Z Index” option from the home page of the documentation, enter “modifyCaseMember” to filter the list of screens, select the “Case_modifyCaseMemberFromList.uim” screen, select the “Case.modifyCaseMember” facade reference, and then view a list of validations, including whether or not each validation is a configurable validation.

If the organization finds that the BPOCASEPARTICIPANTROLE.ERR_CASEPARTICIPANTROLE_XFV_FROM_DATE_CASEHEADER_FROM_DATE validation is configurable, it can then cross reference the validation with the list of configurable validations to identify the unique validation reference ID for the validation. This is done by using the Facade Reference and the Message Reference filters. If the “modifyCaseMember” method name is entered in the Facade Reference filter and the BPOCASEPARTICIPANTROLE.ERR_CASEPARTICIPANTROLE_XFV_FROM_DATE_CASEHEADER_FROM_DATE validation reference is entered in the Message Reference filter, a unique validation reference of bpocaseparticipantrole.err_caseparticipantrole_xfv_from_date_caseheader_from_date|a| is displayed for the validation.

If more than one unique validation reference is displayed for a particular Facade Reference and Message Reference combination, the organization can determine which unique validation reference to disable by enabling the display of the unique validation reference within the application alongside the validation message text that is displayed when business processing is executed that will result in the validation being called. This will in most cases result in the display of only one validation reference, which is the validation that should be disabled. In the unlikely event that more than one validation reference is displayed when the business process is executed, this represents a situation in which the same validation is being performed twice during the same business process and both should be disabled.

Note that all message catalog entries that are referenced by a method are displayed for each method in the Validation Messages documentation; therefore other types of messages such as infrastructure messages and messages used for logging may also be displayed along with the validation messages. In addition, for each method the documentation also displays all messages that are referenced by any method called by the method, and so in some cases, messages are listed that are not necessarily called by the screen that uses the method.

The following section provides more detail about how to enable the display of the unique validation reference ID within the application.