Localizing Code Tables

Code table drop-down fields can be localized. Localized drop-down fields contain values appropriate to a user's language and country. The combination of language and country is known as a locale. Examples of locales include en-US (US English), en-GB (UK English), and es-US (US Spanish).

By using locales, the application can display different drop-down lists for users with different locales. For example, if a user's locale is set to US-Spanish, a drop-down field for the days of the week can display the values Lunes, Martes, Jueves, etc. Conversely, if another user's locale is set to US-English, then the same drop-down field can display the values Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc.

There are two code table item settings that apply to drop-down field localization. The first is the description setting. This is the text that a user will actually see in a drop-down field. The second setting is language; this setting refers to the locale of the code table item. Note that although this setting is named language in order to make it more understandable, it actually refers to a locale, which contains both language and country information.

In multi-locale environments, a locale-specific version of each code table item should be recorded for all code tables. For example, imagine a code table that described the days of the week in an environment where both English and Spanish were used. This code table would require two code table items with a code value of DAY1 - an English code table item with a description of Monday, and a Spanish code table item with a description of Lunes. Having a language-specific code for each day of the week ensures that users are presented with all days of the week, no matter what language is displayed by the application.