Bulk Reassignment of Work

During the course of workload management, a supervisor may need to reassign cases or forward tasks in bulk for a particular user. For example, if a user has unplanned leave (e.g. is sick) and their work needs to be distributed amongst other team members. The Supervisor Workspace provides actions to reassign cases and forward tasks in bulk. For system performance reasons, these actions are not performed online by the system, they are performed either in deferred process or in batch, depending on the number of items selected. The threshold value when bulk reassignment should be performed in batch mode is a configurable parameter and therefore can be set based on a customer system configuration. When the number of items selected is less than or equal to the threshold value, the bulk reassignment is performed in a deferred process. When the number of items selected exceeds the threshold value, the bulk reassignment is performed in a batch process. This threshold value is made visible to a supervisor, to allow them to make informed decisions when performing bulk reassignment.

Where a case is scheduled for later reassignment, neither the system will present it in the list for bulk reassignment again nor can it be reassigned online by a caseworker until the initial reassignment is complete. Likewise, where a task is scheduled for later forwarding, neither the system will present it in the list for bulk task forwarding again nor can it be forwarded online by a caseworker until the initial task forward is complete.