Spend Down Coverage Start Date

The date of coverage is based on a number of factors including the date of the last evidence item used to reduce the outstanding Spend Down amount to zero, the date of application for the period and the start and end dates of the Spend Down period.

Generally the date of application is earlier than the Spend Down period end date. When the date of last evidence item used to meet Spend Down has a date prior to the date of application, the coverage start date is set to the date of application. When the date of the last evidence item used to meet Spend Down has a date post the date of application, the coverage start date is set to the date of the evidence item. If a Medical Expense is used, the incurred date of the expense is set, if Pay-In is used, the date paid is set.

If the date of application is later than the Spend Down period end date, the date of the last evidence item used to meet Spend Down has a date prior to the start date of Spend Down period, the coverage start date is set to the start date of Spend Down period. When the date of last evidence item used to meet Spend Down has a date post the start date of Spend Down period, the coverage start date is set to the date of the evidence item. If a Medical Expense is used, the incurred date of the expense is set, if Pay-In used, the date paid is set.

The coverage start date for Retroactive periods is set to the Retroactive Period start date for the first and second months this is from the first of the month, for the third month this is based on the date of application in the application month.