New Spend Down Amount greater than old Spend Down Amount

If the newly recalculated Spend Down amount is greater than the previous amount for that Spend Down period, and the previous Spend Down amount was met for the period, the system automatically updates several records. The current Spend Down Details record for that period is superseded, the outstanding amount and Spend Down details are updated with the indicator reset to not met. If the change occurs in the latest Spend Down period, or if in past period when product delivery case status is closed, then the product delivery case status is reset to "Approved". If it is a past period and the product delivery case status is other than closed, the status of the product delivery case is not reset.

The caseworker may then either choose to retain coverage for the affected period or not, and there are different processes required to cater for either possibility which are detailed below. This process is repeated for each period affected.