Modify Applied Expense/Pay-In

The caseworker can modify the amount of an Expense/Pay-In which has been previously specified by the caseworker to be applied to the Spend Down period, or modify the order number of the Expense/Pay-In.

Validations exist to prevent entering an amount that is greater than the outstanding amount or greater than the amount available on the Expense/Pay-In.

The current Spend Down Details record is either updated or superseded. If the Modify Applied Expense/Pay-In is performed in a Spend Down period where the Spend Down status is " Not Approved", the current Spend Down Details record is updated rather than superseded. The amount used and the amount available for use for each Expense/Pay-In is updated and listed on the Spend Down Details page. If the Spend Down status is "Approved" then the record is superseded and a new record is created with the updated details. If, as a result of the modification, the outstanding amount is greater than 0, then the Spend Down details must be modified accordingly.