Spend Down Details

Once eligibility has been determined for Medical Assistance with Spend Down the caseworker is presented with eligibility results from which the caseworker can select to authorize, decline or deny. If the caseworker selects to authorize an eligible result for a household member(s) eligible for Medical Assistance with Spend Down, the system will either create a new Spend Down product delivery or reuse an existing one. If the household member(s) has an existing Spend Down product delivery of the same type on the current integrated case, the system will update the existing Spend Down product delivery Spend Down details record with the new Spend Down period.

The household member must then furnish sufficient Medical Expense evidence or provide Pay-In, which the caseworker records as evidence in the system. Caseworkers are then required to enter additional Spend Down Medical Expense information to enable the system to classify the expense, automatically determine if it can be used, and present the available expenses to the caseworker in the appropriate order for use toward the particular Spend Down period.

Spend Down details are listed for all Spend Down periods determined for the household member(s) on the Spend Down product delivery. A caseworker may view Spend Down details for all Spend Down periods.