Cloning Service Plans

Cloning functionality provides a level of flexibility by allowing a case worker to create a new version of an active service plan. The new version of the service plan can then be modified to meet a client's changing requirements and a new contract can be issued.

Case workers can also choose to clone a closed service plan. Cloning a closed service plan will result in exactly the same cloned plan as if it were an active service plan being cloned. The cloned service plan will have a status of Open and will retain the same plan groups, sub-goals, plan items, and milestones that were present in the original plan. Any attachments that were on the original service plan will also be copied to the newly cloned service plan. Plan item details will also be copied to the cloned record. All previous versions of a service plan are listed and accessible from within a cloned service plan.

It can be administratively configured at the agency level whether an active service plan is automatically closed or whether it remains open when it is cloned. This means that an agency can choose to allow case workers to clone service plans without closing the existing service plan. If the service plan is closed, the goal, sub-goals and plan items of the cloned service plan will be copied to the new version of the service plan as they existed in the previous version of the service plan. If the service plan is not closed, however, then the goal, sub-goals, and plan items of the existing service plan will be copied to the new version of the service plan but will be reset to start from the initial stages of the service plan life cycle such that they do not include any of the details entered into the existing service plan. That is, the goal, sub goals and plan items in the new service plan created will have the details and statuses available as they would have if they were automatically added to a service plan with the use of a template.