Plan Participants

A plan participant is a participant who plays a role on a service plan. The types of plan participants for a service plan include primary plan participant, plan participant, nominated representative and correspondent. The plan participants list displays information regarding participants which includes name of the participant, plan participant type, start date, end date and status.

The primary plan participant for a service plan is created during the creation of a service plan by selecting a participant from a list of case members from the parent case. A caseworker can also add additional plan participants or remove an existing plan participant (excluding the primary plan participant) at any time as required. When a caseworker removes a plan participant the participant is no longer displayed in the plan participant list, therefore end date and status are not relevant to this type of plan participant.

Nominated Representatives and Correspondents are added to the plan participants list when a caseworker creates a nominated representative and a correspondent for a service plan respectively. A caseworker may end date or delete a Nominated Representative. When this occurs the end date and status change are reflected in the plan participants list. Correspondents may not be end dated or deleted; however, therefore this information is not relevant to this type of plan participant.