Automatic Roster Generation

Automatic generation of rosters happens in two ways:

1) At a regular interval based on the roster generation frequency.

2) On creation of a service authorization for the current period.

To determine the interval at which the rosters should be generated, the applicable roster generation frequency is used (for more information see Attendance Tracking Configuration). At the specified frequency, the system generates a roster for all providers who have clients scheduled to receive the service in the current roster period. All the clients scheduled to receive the service are added to the roster as line items, along with the details of their expected attendance.

Attendance rosters are also created automatically when a new service authorization is created and no roster already exists for the provider for the period specified in the authorization. Again, the applicable generation frequency is considered. If a roster already exists for the provider for the period specified in the authorization, the client is automatically added to the existing roster as a new line item, and no additional roster is generated.

An example of automatic roster generation is as follows: Carrie's Day Care begins offering an early child care service. A caseworker creates a service authorization for Robert Smith who is supposed to attend the day care every day from 9am to 5pm for a month, starting from January 1st. The authorization is valid until 31st January. The roster generation frequency is set as ’Weekly on a Monday’. As there is no existing roster for 1st January for Carrie’s Day Care, a roster is generated by the system for the week (Monday 27th December to Sunday 2nd January) and a roster line item is added for Robert Smith for the overlapping period for which he is due to receive day care (1st January to 2nd January). When the next Monday arrives, i.e. 3rd January, a roster for the week Monday 3rd January, - Sunday 9th January is automatically generated and Robert Smith is added for the period 3rd January to 9th January. This process is repeated for as long as the authorization for Robert is valid, until 31st January.