Merging Information

Key information such as addresses, phone numbers and bank accounts can be merged from the duplicate record to the master record where appropriate. Organizations can configure which key information can be merged as part of the merge process, via a number of client merge application property settings. The information that can be merged is as follows:

Any merged data can then be used as part of any subsequent case processing. Case specific data, such as financials and communications records, cannot be merged to the master record. This information can still be viewed from within the context of the duplicate record.

However, if required, organizations can choose to view this unmerged data from within the master record itself. This information is for view only purposes, and cannot be used as part of any subsequent case processing.

Note: If a name record of type 'Registered' or 'Preferred' is merged from a duplicate record to a master record that already has an alternate name of type 'Registered' or 'Preferred', the alternate name will be merged, but the type will be set to 'Alias' in the master record. This is because only one alternate name of type 'Preferred' or 'Registered' is allowed to exist for any one person.