Searching for Participants

Common search criteria for participants includes a reference number for any alternate identification, name, which includes any alternate name for the participant, and address. In addition, specific search criteria is provided for certain participants, for example date of birth for person participants.

For person participant searches, the user can utilize nickname and phonetic searching. If a nickname search is performed, the search will return a list of all persons and prospect persons registered under the nickname, and the name associated with the nickname. For example, a person registered as "James" may also go by the name "Jimmy". If a nickname search is performed and the name "Jimmy" is specified in the search criteria, the system will return a list of all persons registered as either "Jimmy" or "James".

Nicknames are associated with names as part of application administration. By default, a person's nickname is automatically taken into account when performing a search. The default setting for the nickname search indicator can be configured via an administration property. For more information on nickname management and configuring the default setting for the nickname search indicator, see the Cúram System Configuration Guide.

Phonetic (i.e. "sounds like") searching is implemented as standard in respect of a person's last name. Phonetic searches return similar sounding names. For example, a search for "Smith" will also return "Smyth", "Smythe" plus any other similar sounding names.

Users can also choose to search across all participant roles, by entering a set of common search criteria that is applicable for all participant roles. For example, a name and address. Details of all the participants matching the search criteria are returned, including the participant role(s) they are currently assigned to in the application.