
Positions serve as place holders for users within the overall organization structure. Each user is assigned to a position that frames them within their organization unit and with respect to other units in the organization. The position indicates who that user reports to and who reports to the user.

Positions are also the containers for the jobs in the organization. The position of Social Worker 1 in the organization may have any number of jobs associated with it. For example, as well as having the job of Social Worker, the position may also have the jobs division manager, claim analyst and reviewer associated with it.

Typically, positions are used to define the levels within certain job sets. In this case, many positions will share the same job, such that the position becomes a level for that job. For example, the job, Social Worker, might be assigned to three positions, Social Worker 1, Social Worker 2, Social Worker 3, each one of these representing a level of experience for that job.

Positions can be assigned locations. Along with the locations assigned to users, this can determine access to case and client information if location based security is applied.

A user's position determines the user's supervisor(s) in the organization reporting hierarchy. Organization reporting is described in detail in Chapter 5: Organization Reporting.