Navigating the Organization Structure

There are two ways to view the organization structure:the list view and the tree view. The list view allows a user to see the details of an organization structure using tabs. The tab displays information grouped by the organization units, positions and users . The list items in each tab can be expanded to display more information. By default the organization structure is displayed in the list view. The tree view presents the same elements as the list view, but displays them according to their hierarchical relationship. A user can drill down through the tree view or select an element to see detailed information on that element displayed.

The tab for the organization structure includes Home, Tree View, Organization Units, Positions, and Users. A user can view details of any component in the organization structure by selecting the relevant organization unit, position, or user from the tabs. Each page has action menus with links relevant to that page.

The tree view allows the user to see at a glance the hierarchy of the organization structure and is accessed by using the "tree view" tab, which is available on the home pages for the organization units, positions and organization structure. An organization unit can be expanded to reveal sub organization units. Positions can be expanded to show the users assigned to them. Users can add organization units, positions, and users to the tree structure.

The organization structure can be viewed in the tree by expanding out the tree nodes. A user can view details of any component in the organization structure by selecting the relevant organization unit, position,or user in the tree. Pages associated with each tree node have action menus with links to create and delete child organization units, create positions, edit organization unit information, and assign a default location.