Reporting Positions

A user's position assignment determines who that user reports to. Typically, a user reports to the user(s) assigned to his or her lead position in the same organization unit. For example, the organization unit Social Workers, contains the positions Social Worker 1, Social Worker 2, and Lead Social worker; therefore, John Smith will report to any users assigned to the Lead Social Worker position. If Jane Doe is assigned to the Lead Social Worker position, then she is John Smith's supervisor.

If an organization unit does not have a lead position or if no users are assigned to it, then the users in that organization unit will report to users assigned to lead positions in a parent or grand-parent organization unit. For example, if no users were assigned to the above-mentioned Lead Social Worker position, then John Smith would report to a user assigned to lead position in the organization unit which is a parent (or grand-parent) to the Social Worker organization unit.

It is also possible for a position to report to another position which is not necessarily a lead position. This can be set up when creating a new position or else modifying it. The options are as follows:

Table 1. Table of Options for Reporting Positions
Options for Selecting Reporting Position Description
Lead Positions A position can report to any lead position within the organization structure.
Organization Unit Positions A position can report to any position within the same organization unit.
Parent Organization Unit Positions A position can report to any positions assigned to the parent organization unit.
Position Search A position can report to any position in the organization structure.