Generating Financial Components for Multiple Nominees

Financial components are generated on a nominee-by-nominee basis. A case component can be assigned to multiple nominees over different periods of time. When there are multiple nominees assigned to the one case component, financial components are generated per nominee and split using the nominee's delivery pattern. The following example describes how financial components are generated when there are two case nominees assigned to the same case component over different periods of time:

There are two nominees on a case: John Smith and Linda Smith. John Smith is the primary client and is assigned the Maximum Personal Benefit case component from April 5th which is the case start date. John Smith's delivery pattern is "Weekly in arrears on a Wednesday". Linda Smith is the second nominee on the case. On April 12th, the Maximum Personal Benefit case component is assigned to Linda Smith. Linda Smith's delivery pattern is "Weekly in advance on a Friday". The daily rate for the Maximum Personal Benefit component is $10. The weekly rate is $70. The case end date is May 5th.

The following financial component is generated for John Smith:

The following financial components are generated for Linda Smith:

John receives payments a week in arrears every Wednesday. Therefore, John Smith is due a payment on the second Wednesday after the case start date, i.e., April 12th.

Linda Smith's delivery pattern is "Weekly in advance on a Friday". Therefore, Linda is due her first payment on the first Friday that falls after the component assignment date, i.e., April 14th. A payment is issued on April 14th that covers Wednesday 12th, Thursday 13th, and the week from April 14th to April 20th.

Linda is due a second payment on April 21st. This payment covers the week, April 21st to April 27th. On April 28th, Linda receives a third payment. This payment covers the week, April 28th to May 4th. The case end date is May 5th so no payments are issued from May 4th onward.