Location Working Patterns

Location working patterns are the working patterns of the organization's locations. Functionality for maintaining location working patterns is similar to that for maintaining organization working patterns. A standard location working pattern can be created to define the working hours for each day within a 14-day period starting on Monday and finishing on the second Sunday. Note that an end date does not have to be set for a working pattern. In which case, the 14 day period will repeat indefinitely.

There may be some days that do not fall into a standard working pattern. For example, a rural or satellite office may only operate 3 days a week or daily between the hours of 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM. These days can be recorded as non-standard working days and can be recorded for one or more days within the 14 day period. Individual days within a location working pattern can be specified as default, non-standard, and non-working.

Location working patterns can be specified as a working hours type or as a public opening hours type. The public opening hours working pattern type defines the hours a public office location is open for business to the public over a 14 day period. Only one active working pattern for each working pattern type is allowed in any given period.