Net Income Test

The LTC Net Income Test is only carried out if the financial unit's gross income is above 300% SIL or other state defined limit.

Institutionalized Blind or Disabled Child

Disabled Child Exception

In the following cases, the child should be treated as a single institutionalized individual:

Married Couple where Both Individuals Institutionalized

If both spouses are institutionalized, apply the following rules:

Single Institutionalized Individual

Married Couple where One is Institutionalized and Other is Community Spouse

Final Steps

  1. Apply earned income deductions to determine the net earned income
  2. Add the countable net unearned income and the countable net earned income to determine the total net countable income
  3. Compare net countable income to the state defined state defined LTC Income Eligibility Standard.
  4. Subtract the monthly LTC IES income limit for 1 person from the net countable income. This is the LTC Spend Down Liability. For more information on Spend Down, see the Cúram Medical Assistance with Spend Down Guide.