Create Long Term Care Medical Assistance Product Delivery

Caseworkers can create Long Term Care product delivery cases for household members who are eligible for Long Term Care coverage types as displayed in Medical Assistance eligibility decisions. The selection of a Long Term Care Medical Assistance coverage type may have implications for other members of the household on other Medical Assistance coverage type. For example, a Household Member who is currently in receipt of LIFC, but who has left the home and entered a medical institution (not a HCBS Waiver) for Long Term Care is no longer considered to be resident in the home and is therefore ineligible for LIFC. If there is no other caretaker relative in the home, LIFC will be terminated for all members of the household. Similarly, selecting a Long Term Care Medical Assistance coverage type where a transfer of assets is required assumes that the institutionalized individual has agreed to transfer assets to their spouse. In certain situations, this transfer of assets may render the community spouse ineligible for an existing Medical Assistance program. It is up to the caseworker to discuss the options and their implications with the household member(s) concerned.

When the client applies for Medical Assistance and is found eligible for a Long Term Care coverage type, after all the evidence is verified and activated, the caseworker authorizes the LTC coverage type. When the caseworker confirms that they wish to create the selected Medical Assistance program the product delivery can be viewed. In the case of Long Term Care coverage types, this assumes that the household member concerned is willing to accept any existing conditions of eligibility, i.e. cost of care. Long Term Medical Assistance functionality uses existing product delivery functionality within the product.