Manual Creation

An issue can be created manually. Issue creation establishes the evidence type that the issue relates to, for example "employment evidence" and the issue type that is related to the evidence, for example, "earned income".

During issue creation, the user indicates the evidence that gave rise to the issue. The system automatically stores a snapshot of this evidence and associates it with the issue. The snapshot provides a definite reflection of the original evidence at the time it was created and cannot be modified. The system links the snapshot and the current evidence to the issue. The current evidence is the evidence on the case in it's current state, i.e., the evidence that has changed.

The user also specifies the start and end date for the issue as well as its priority. The start date indicates the date the issue was identified. The issue priority is inherited from the issue type that is associated with the issue. A user can change the priority on an issue-by-issue basis.