Issue Type Configuration

Issue types are the templates on which issues created on cases are based. Generic information is set up for each issue type during system administration. This information is then inherited by the issues that are set up on individual cases.

A unique issue type is specified for each issue. For example, the name of the issue type may describe the evidence type to which the issue relates. For example, "earned income".

The system administrator then specifies date settings. Date settings define the period during which the issue details are effective. The date settings include a start date and an end date. These settings are important because an issue cannot be created for a case if that issue's effective period has not commenced or has already ended.

The priority of the issue type can be configured. The priority indicates the level of importance of issues that are created for this type of issue.

An issue home page can be specified for a issue. The issue home page setting defines the name of the page that is used when viewing issue details for cases that are related to this issue.

A workflow event can be associated with each issue type that is configured. A user can specify the workflow event class and type to be raised when an issue of this type is created. For example, a suspend payment event may be triggered when a issue based on this type is created.