Entering Allegation Findings

A finding is a determination by a user as to whether or not an allegation is founded or unfounded. A finding must be recorded on each allegation in the investigation in order for the investigation to be resolved. A user resolves the investigation based on the findings of the allegations.

Examples of allegation findings include 'Substantiated' (founded/true), 'Unsubstantiated' (unfounded/false), and 'Indicated'. A finding of 'Indicated' is used when the organization has sufficient evidence to suggest an allegation is true however the evidence is not strong enough to warrant a substantiated finding. In this situation, the user may prefer to enter a finding of 'Indicated' instead of 'Unsubstantiated'.

A finding cannot be modified on an investigation which is submitted for approval, approved, or closed. When an investigation has been submitted for approval, it is under review by a supervisor and therefore the allegation findings should remain static until the supervisor decides whether or not to approved the investigation. Allegation findings cannot be modified on an approved or closed investigation because these investigations are effectively completed. .

The findings that can be entered on an allegation are set up as code table items as part of system administration. For information on adding code table items to code tables, see the Cúram System Configuration Guide.