Setting up Investigation Approval Checks

Investigation approval checks can be defined for each investigation type suring system administration. As part of the investigation process, an investigation is typically submitted to a supervisor for approval of the overall resolution recorded on the investigation by the user. The percentage of investigations that require supervisor approval can be set by the administrator. For example, an approval check percentage set to 50 signifies that 5 out of 10 investigations will be sent to the investigation supervisor for manual approval.

Setting up investigation approval checks gives the supervisor an opportunity to check that the allegations, findings, and overall resolution recorded on an investigation is correct. This safeguards against incorrect information being added to the investigation or an erroneous resolution being documented. For example, the organization may require a supervisor to manually approve a set percentage of investigations submitted by a less senior user. If the supervisor does not agree with a particular finding that the user has given to an allegation or with the overall resolution provided, the supervisor can reject the investigation.

An approval check set for an investigation type will govern all investigations based on that particular investigation type. Note that there can be only one active approval check for investigations based on a specific investigation type at a given point in time.