Decision Details View

The decision details view displays detailed information about an individual decision within a determination and is accessed by selecting an individual decision from within the list of decisions of a determination. This view consists of multiple tabs that each display information to assist the case worker in understanding the client's eligibility. For example, a person may be eligible for an income assistance benefit and also a medical expense allowance.

The total amount of entitlement and the household members included in eligibility determination might be displayed on a Summary tab, while another Medical Expense tab might display detailed information on the family's medical expenses that were factored into determining the medical allowance. The decision details view can also be used to display information on why a person was found ineligible.

Cúram ICM provides support for creating decision details views. Decision details rules are used to determine what information is displayed in this view and are configured during administration. For more information on decision details rules, see Assigning Rules to Products. Display categories and decision details rules which include a display order that the system automatically uses to determine the order in which the tabs will appear can be associated with a product. For information on configuring products, see Configuring Products.